About Me

I'm Rachael.
I have Jesus.
I like to find him in the simple things of the world.
He is in everything, and it makes me smile.
I love life.
I love to laugh.
I love to sing.

My Paper Heart:
Our hearts are flesh and muscle. Beating beneath our skin, giving us life.
But in reality, our hearts are like paper. This cold, pain filled world tears it apart like it is nothing. We try to catch the scattering pieces as the blow in the wind, and we tape them back together in an attempt to feel whole again. Tape tears too, and soon we are scrambling to capture the pieces of our torn hearts again.

There is only one solid fix for our torn broken hearts. We need to take the pieces, and fall before Jesus. We need him to come in and slowly and tenderly put our hearts back together. He doesn't use tape. He uses glue. The glue of salvation, eternal life, grace, mercy and peace.

Jesus is our only way.
Sweet, Sweet Jesus